Brand New & Heavy

Brand New & Heavy
I Don't Understand.....Love....

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Goodbye Colorado!!!!

Alright.....No more Colorado...I haven't posted any updates on the move to New York due to us getting ready to leave. I was a big hurry but we finally got it done. After 3 weeks of packing and preparation and a 27 hour drive, we finally made it to New York. I must tell you, the drive was pretty smooth until we hit the New Jersey Pike. For one, there are tolls as high as 20 dollars. And there are several of them. The scenery coming in was pretty nice, but the driving is horrible. Tonight is our first night here so I can't say how I feel about it yet. But this city is packed. Even the parked cars take up most of the street. Crazy....Driving here in the snow and rain through the last 3 states didn't help. But so far we've only seen a portion of Brooklyn (where we will be staying); I haven't been to my new office yet. My location was changed from what was originally City Hall. I will now be working directly across the street from Central Park. Nice right?! And I must admit that the view from our new home is nice. We literally live under the famed Brooklyn Bridge, and have a nice view of the Bay. I will post pics within the next few days. Well...I think it is bedtime....For the next two days, my wife and I will be getting lost in the city trying to learn our way around. Oh yeah by the way, I thought that because I was from Dallas, they wouldn't call me country. Yeah right....Dallas folks are country to New Yorkers. And once you visit here, you will learn and appreciate the true meaning of Southern Hospitality....Till Next time...

Well Lookie Here...Dallas Baby!!!

Well Lookie Here...Dallas Baby!!!
Home Sweet Home....