Brand New & Heavy

Brand New & Heavy
I Don't Understand.....Love....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Glitch In The Matrix

Well keeping everyone updated as promised....There has been a little hitch in my get along to New York. I should get there around the time I am supposed to be there as opposed to getting there early like I would have liked to do. The good ol' US Army didn't have a security clearance waiting on me so I am waiting on that to clear. No worries I haven't done anything to keep me from getting there. At least not recently. LOL. Anyhow once that clears I will be able to leave the Icebox known as Fort Carson, Colorado. I really don't have a job right now and I am living the dream of getting paid to do nothing. I am spending a little time with a few of my buddies who are leaving for Baghdad on Monday. Keep them in your prayers. And if you are one of those leaving, keep looking to the hills from where comes your help. God will take care of you. Keep Him first and praise Him in all things that you do. With a lot of people I am close with leaving without me, it puts many things into perspective. I guess when I deployed with them last time I didn't understand the worry that those close to me felt. I felt like it was just a job. No....It is a very dangerous job. If you are patriotic it is very rewarding. If not it is merely a very dangerous job. As for me, the Army is a great stepping stone for all that I pray God has in His plans for me to achieve. I am working hard to achieve goals that I have set for myself and my family, I just want to be sure that I am following His plan and not my own. Alright folks, thats enough of that. Just wanted to keep everyone in the loop. Love Life...Bless... Oh yeah, if you haven't heard the new Common, you need to get it. It is very uplifting and has a lot of positive things to say to ALL young people. Any race. Listen to "Misunderstood" and the "No. 12" the very last track on the album. Mistunderstood starts off weird but once you make it through the first 30 seconds or so, listen very closely people...listen....

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Well Lookie Here...Dallas Baby!!!

Well Lookie Here...Dallas Baby!!!
Home Sweet Home....